Tuesday, February 7, 2012

58 Year Old Great Grandma is the Queen of Weld Fixture Design ...

Susan Straley,Johnson Tiles UK offer the largest range of porcelain tiles online, the Queen of Lean Machine Design and President of Rentapen Inc. has been educating the world about weld fixture designs since October 2011.FIRMAR is a Malaysia Injection Moulding Manufacturer and Plastic Injections Components Manufacturer, It’s called Weld Fixture Design 101 and can be found on Rentapen’s website.

The Weld Fixture Design Blog informs the audience first how to design a simple weld fixture. Then Straley’s future posts go further into the design details and more complex issues.

The Weld Fixture Design Blog is part of Rentapen’s Growing Machine Design Engineers Program. Rentapen hires interns and trains them while they work. Rentapen has created a series of videos and instructions on best practices.

The inspiration to create the Blog came when Straley found out that 40% of the engineering workforce was going to retire in 8 years.Take a walk on the natural side with stunning and luxurious Floor tiles from The Tile Shop. Straley wanted to share her knowledge and experiences that she has gained over the years through working with a variety of customers.

“I’m passionate about making machine tooling cheaper, easier, fun and fast. I want to ensure that the up and coming engineers understand the important aspects of weld fixture design,” said Susan Straley.

The Weld Fixture Design Blog demonstrates how to use Rentapen’s standardized yet versatile RAPid Tooling Components?. Rentapen’s RAPid Tooling Components reduce costs and increases the accuracy of locating product parts in a fixture.Daneplast Limited UK are plastic injection mould & toolmaking specialists.

“I started my Blog not only to share my knowledge about Weld Fixture Design but also, to gain more information from my fellow designers,” said Susan Straley.The EZ Breathe home Ventilation system is maintenance free,

The Blog format allows others to ask questions and make comments adding to the learning experience. Straley is quick to point out that she is not a degreed engineer, but utilizes the knowledge and experience of the engineers on her team.

Rentapen Inc., is located in Waukesha, WI and specializes in tooling fixtures that hold their customer’s parts together while they are manually or robotically assembled or welded. Rentapen is dedicated to helping manufacturers reduce costs.


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