Move over, Valentine. Looks like tablet owners' favorite place to snuggle up with iPads and Kindles may be the bedroom.
That's according to a recent study from Publicis Groupe agency Rosetta. Sixty-eight percent of 889 respondents said they or their families regularly use tablets in their bedroom -- more than any other location. Using tablets in the "living room while doing other things" is a close second, at 63%. Just over half of respondents said they use their tablets in the living room without other distractions.
(@AdAgeStat cautions that the sample for this survey is a little low for national results, so considering statistical error, the living room is, indeed, a significant location.)
Tablets' popularity in the bedroom may be because reading is so popular on tablet devices. Sixty-one percent said they preferred to read e-books, newspapers and magazines on a tablet rather than computers or smartphones. That's the biggest preference for any activity.
Overall, tablets are most often used at home. Only 45% reported using the devices on-the-go, and about one-third of respondents said they use them at work.
Rosetta conducted the survey in late 2011. The survey pool consisted of adults who use an iPad or other tablet device regularly. They were also relatively new tablet owners: 80% had been using a tablet for 11 months or less.
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