Saturday, March 3, 2012

Expensive Today; Economic Tomorrow; Solar Light Fixture ...

Powered by AA Nicad battery, the solar lights offer lights equivalent to half a candle in terms of traditional light fixtures. A Nicad battery will operate the LED for 15 hours once charged. It is not much and getting sufficient illumination with outdoor solar lights or solar garden lights could turn out to be an expansive affair.
Why are Solar Lights Expensive Today?
As already pointed out; solar lights are expensive. Some of the reasons for their pricey features are –
•  Individually these lights do not provide much illumination and are more effective for marking the trails instead of lighting the backyard or garden.
•  Features of solar cells combined with that of Nicad battery makes them expensive.
•  Solar cells are manufacturers with silicon crystals under perfect clean room conditions.
Problem Resolution
Buyers have no reason to lose heart.

Scientists and inventors have every reason to feel happy since the prices of solar lights including all solar outdoors have come down substantially in the recent years. Yard lights those cost around some years back have come down to the range of – per light depending on their features. Some of the expensive lights combine a series of LED instead of using single installation. Since these LEDs are turned on continually, they light up whenever the motion sensor detects some movement.
Solar Light Batteries
Another reason why the solar lights were expensive till these days is the battery used in them. Batteries are usually full of chemicals and they also produce electrons. Electrochemical reactions are generated with these electrons are the functioning elements in any battery whether used for traditional power generation or solar light fixture. Batteries also contain a couple of terminals marked as (+) and (-) for positive and negative nodes respectively.
Outdoor Solar Lights
Normally the outdoor solar lights or any solar outdoors always bring up the image of street lights or the highway construction lights for anyone. Numerous other types of solar lightings are also there. Solar lights offer so many options for anyone that there is no reason for such people for considering the traditional lighting systems for lighting the yard, garden or any other outdoor location.
Sparing the user of the troubles of all those wiring, digging the lawn, garden or yard, outdoor solar lights are not only easier installing but also is highly economic consideration in the long run.


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