Whilst I don’t think I need to grow a beard, climb a mountain and call myself Moses, I do have a few commandments that the FFA should follow when drawing up the 2012/13 A-League fixture.
1. Use the Big City derbies wisely
For the first time we have cross time rivals in Melbourne and Sydney. The Melbourne Derby is now a ‘must do’ on the Melbourne sporting calendar and the Sydney Derby will play a major role in the success of the @NewSydneyClub. The A-League now has six key dates in their two biggest cities and need to use this wisely. One key game every 3-4 weeks will keep the A-League in the media attention.
2. Public Holidays are your friend
Last year the A-League tried ‘Big Wednesday’. This was a success for both fans and Foxtel subscribers all over the Country. In 2013 January 26th falls on a Saturday and the FFA need to take advantage of this. I’m not sure if you go with five games all on the one day but I would like to see Victory v Sydney, @NewSydneyClub v Heart, and Perth v Adelaide (in Perth) all played on our national public holiday. Brisbane could play Central Coast on the night before, and Wellington v Newcastle as a standalone game on the Sunday. Melbourne Heart should play host to a Melbourne Cup eve match (Monday night) to take advantage of the influx of people who either visit the city or take advantage of the four day weekend.
3. Thursday Night Opener
There will be much fanfare surrounding the @NewSydneyClub so let’s kick off the season with them. We should take something from the AFL that they do so well, the Richmond v Carlton season opener schedule. I think it would be a mistake to use a ‘Sydney derby’ trump card so early, but a game opposing the new team to Newcastle would be perfect. Not only would it create buzz around the city buy would give Newcastle fans some much needed exposure from the FFA
4. One midweek home game for all
Fans vote with their feet, and not warmed to midweek kickoffs. Our timeframe and television commitments mean that we need to play at least two full rounds during the week so let’s spread the burden. Every club should play one midweek home game to spread the weaker attendances throughout the league. Who knows maybe this could present a corporate opportunity or a member ‘bring a friend’ night.
5. Consistent game times for the fans
One of my major gripes with the A-League is their varied time slots fans/members have to work with. If we give fans a more regular kickoff time most weeks I am convinced that you will see a rise in attendances and membership numbers. Let’s be smarter about our scheduling and copy things that work in other sports. AFL fans tend to be drawn to Friday night football, whereas NRL fans prefer Saturday nights. Why don’t we look at this more wisely and use it to grow our game. Friday nights could see Adelaide, Perth, and Heart home matches. Saturday evening (around 5pm) could be a family friendly kickoff for Newcastle/Central Coast, and Saturday nights would see Victory, and the two Sydney clubs share the spotlight. Brisbane and Wellington would be given the bulk of the Sunday games. As the two biggest supported clubs Victory and Sydney would be given the prime time Saturday night slot.
6. One Melbourne, One Sydney match every week
Yes you may be coming to the conclusion that I am pro Sydney/Melbourne, but these are the two biggest markets. One game every week would establish a firmer market share in both these cities and continue to keep the league on the back pages (or as close as possible). This would also become more attractive for a bigger TV deal with Foxtel, or dare I say it a free to air network.
7. Keep it at 27 games, and put the FFA Cup on Ice
As much as I would love an FA Cup style competition, next season isn’t the time to introduce it. Next season is about the successful introduction of the @NewSydneyclub and the stability of every club in the A-League. Playing every club three times provides for some irregular fixturing, but it sure beats the alternative that other football codes are faced with. All clubs play each other and even amount of times and that is one salvaging feature about the current fixture. 18 games (play twice) doesn’t provide clubs with enough income opportunities, and a 36 game (play four) fixture would create monotony and boredom for everyone except those very loyal fans.
8. Use NYL games as curtain raisers
Now that every team has a youth team (except Wellington) we should be playing these games before the main game. The AIS team could replace Wellington for the purpose of the NYL schedule, and the younger players would get the opportunity to play on the more prestigious grounds, and the fans would also be able to see younger players progressing through or an old favourite coming back from injury.
9. Include a ‘Grassroots Round’
The A-League and FFA continue to excel in promoting grassroots football and the local clubs around the area but need to get more back from this. Why not sell this message to the Australian sporting public and have a specific round for Grassroots football. This would generate positive publicity for the game and may increase the involvement with local clubs. I know all clubs perform outstandingly when it comes to grassroots level; this round would merely become a branded week to sell the A-League message to those who are involved in football at every level in Australia and New Zealand.
10. Ask the fans what they want
With Billionaire owners retreating quicker than the French during a war, maybe it’s time to for the powers that be ask those stakeholders who will always be there, the fans. This may seem an unusual step for a national sporting organisation but let’s face it, the A-League needs bums on seats. I have 10 ideas here, and they might be rubbish, but the league may receive a few great ideas from some fans out there. I understand you can’t please everyone and TV deals and Corporate sponsors keep the game going, but who knows what you might uncover if you simply ask.
Tags: ALeague, Australia, Fixture, Football, Melbourne, New Zealand, Sydney
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